Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dark days in Cambodia

Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge killed an estimated 3 million people throught Cambodia from 1975-1979.
His goal was to put Cambodia back to a time when it was an agriculture based society. Money was abolished, books were burned, teachers, merchants, and almost the entire intellectual elite of the country were murdered. For example,If you wore glasses, this implied intellict.
Children were killed so that they would wouln't grow older and one day seek out revenge.

S-21, A converted school used for torture and interregation of detainees. Virtually everyone that was imprisoned here where taken to the killing fields afterwards.
These are the original gallows used to hang people upside down and dip their heads into those large clay pots. Only 12 of the many thousands of people that entered here survived.

A skull showing the typical method of execution. A bullets enters through the top and in the case of this skull, it exits through the right cheek.

The "Killing Fields"

The memorial filled with skulls of the murdered.

To this day, the clothes, bones and teeth keep coming to the surfae everywhere, espeially after the rains.

Excavation of mass graves.

This is the Diamond Bridge in Phnom Penh. On November 22, 2010 353 people where trampled to death on this bridge after watching the Water Festival on the river.

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