Our "Longtail" boat.
Katherine's having trouble dealing with all of the stress ;)
Katherine's having trouble dealing with all of the stress ;)
Nice hotel shuttle boats
Check out the backwards facing truck cap!
"Sliperpy area a head"
This rock looks just like a camel!
We found a beach all to ourselves...
Then Andrew proposed to Anita :)
Ao-Nang beach
First stop back in town, the jewellery store!
Crazy eyes!
The black Cobras are a little blurry because they're striking at him!
A King Cobra. Huge snake
They 'milk" them to prove that they are venomous
My finger is in the snakes mouth!
I could hear my ankles crack, then he took it off :)
Yes, he's kissing the King Cobra
Ao-Nang police station, brought to you by the bottlers of Coca Cola :)
Downtown A0-Nang...I think I could live here
Nice looking Monk!
We'll be back!!!